The CB Group UWI 5K and Smart Eggs Kids K will return to a road race format on Sunday, November 20, on the University of the West Indies Mona campus, after two years of going virtual because of the coronavirus pandemic.
The event, which was launched at the UWI Regional Headquarters recently, is the major fundraiser for the University of the West Indies in collaboration with title sponsor CB Group and other sponsoring partners for the past 10 years. Another 20 students are being granted scholarships to pursue their dreams of obtaining tertiary education.
Among the awardees were students from the Faculties of Law, Medical Sciences, and Humanities and Education. Since the start of the event, 300 academically outstanding students were given a chance to take up their areas of study.
Co-patron Dr Donette Chin-Loy Chang, who, along with her late husband and philanthropist, Dr Raymond G. Chang, was instrumental in initiating the fundraiser for UWI students under the umbrella of a Grand Jamaica Homecoming movement in celebration of Jamaica's 50th Anniversary in 2012, congratulated the scholarship recipients.
"I applaud you for your determination and drive and implore you to continue to work hard, work smart, limit your intake of social media, separate fact from fiction, and make graciousness and kindness a part of your demeanour," the co-patron advised, from her home in Canada, as she joined the launch through Zoom.
Read more at http://jamaica-star.com/article/sports/20221004/cb-group-uwi-5k-returns-...